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2020/02/17-21 Dr. Adriaan Neele’s “Jonathan Edwards”《愛德華茲》課程時間表 Schedule

PRTSiA Course Schedules 課程時間表

2020/02/17-21 Dr. Adriaan Neele’s “Jonathan Edwards”《愛德華茲》課程時間表 Schedule

Course schedule for Dr. Neele’s “Theology of Jonathan Edwards 愛德華茲神學“ 

2/17 Mon. 9-11am, 2-4pm lectures

2/18 Tues. 9-11am, 2-4pm lectures; 7-9pm public lecture “Early Modern Religious Education in Taiwan: Dutch Catechetical instruction 1625-1660”

2/19 Weds. 9-11am, 2-4pm lectures

2/20 Thurs. 9-11am, 2-4pm lectures; 7-9pm public lecture “Wilhelmus a Brakel’s Christian Reasonable Service”

2/21 Fri. 9-11am, 2-4pm lectures

*Public lectures are part of PRTSiA courses.

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