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*COVID-19 Update: Moving to Zoom* 2020/05/25-29 Dr. Guy Waters’ “Justification in Paul”《保羅稱義觀》課程簡介

PRTSiA Course Introductions 課程簡介

*COVID-19 Update: Moving to Zoom* 2020/05/25-29 Dr. Guy Waters’ “Justification in Paul”《保羅稱義觀》課程簡介

2020/03/24 Update: Due to COVID-19, Dr. Waters’ “Justification in Paul” is moving online! This course will be taught via Zoom, with more details to follow. COVID-19 presents us with unprecedented challenges, and forces us to consider alternative means to achieve the goal of providing quality Th.M. education to students in Asia. While we acknowledge that the intimacy of onsite teacher-student interactions will be sorely missed, we also pray that the Lord will use online instruction to reach people who might not otherwise attend PRTSiA courses in Taipei. Let this unforeseen change forced upon us be a blessing to students yet!

2020/05/25-29 Dr. Guy Waters’ “Justification in Paul”《保羅稱義觀》課程簡介. Course Description (excerpted from course syllabus)

Course Purpose

The purpose of this course is to acquaint students with the teaching of the apostle Paul about justification. This course will set that teaching within the broader context of Paul’s theology, anthropology, Christology, and soteriology; and within the context of Paul’s understanding of redemptive-history.

Course Description

This course will explore the primary passages in Paul’s correspondence relating to the doctrine of justification, with concentration upon his epistles to the Romans and to the Galatians. This course will reflect upon these passages in light of developments in the recent interpretation of Paul.

Course Objectives

Objectives of this course include the following:

  1. To acquaint students with the leading passages in Paul’s correspondence pertaining to justification.
  2. To help students see Pauline justification in the context of Paul’s soteriology and of his biblical theology.
  3. To reflect upon Pauline justification in light of other redemptive benefits in Christ, and in particular to explore the relationship between justification and sanctification in Paul.
  4. To engage, critically and charitably, current academic discussion in Paul relating to the doctrine of justification.
  5. To help students understand justification in Paul in such a way as to preach the doctrine faithfully and to apply it to the needs of the church.
  6. To permit students to grow in their facility for academic writing in the area of Pauline theology. 
  7. To assist students to grow in their facility to communicate orally Pauline scholarship to their academic peers and to non-specialist audiences.
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