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**POSTPONED** Dr. Vern Poythress 溥偉恩博士 “Biblical Typology”《聖經預表》課程簡介 Course Description

PRTSiA Course Introductions 課程簡介

**POSTPONED** Dr. Vern Poythress 溥偉恩博士 “Biblical Typology”《聖經預表》課程簡介 Course Description

2020/03/20 Update: Due to COVID-19, this course has been postponed until further notice. We are hoping to offer this course later in 2020 when Dr. Poythress will be able to travel to Taipei. Dr. Poythress prefers to teach the course in person rather than via Zoom to maintain teacher-student interactions. Please check back for updates. 

2020/06/1-10 Dr. Vern Poythress’ “Biblical Typology”《聖經預表》課程簡介 Course Description (excerpted from course syllabus) and tentative schedule for PRTS in Asia 2020 June “Biblical Typology” course:

Course Purpose

To grow in understanding typological and analogical meaning relations belonging to biblical texts. The focus will be primarily on Old Testament typology, but with some attention to typology in the miracles of Jesus.

At the conclusion of the course, students should have advanced according to the course objectives described below.

Course Description

A study of the typology of Scripture. The course includes attention to foundational principles: inspiration, divine and human meaning, progressive revelation, and redemptive history. Building on these principles, the course considers the nature of typology, its relation to analogy and prophecy, and guidelines for discerning and interpreting texts with a typological dimension. Sample texts are exegeted.

Course Objectives

Objectives of this course include the following:

  1. To be able to exegete faithfully texts with a typological dimension and texts with important analogical relationships to major themes.(Supports SLOs ThM 1; PhD 1).
  2. To be able to articulate clearly the theological basis for typological interpretation.(Supports SLOs ThM 2; PhD 2b; 3d).
  3. To be able to engage in research, analysis, and presentation of typological and analogical meanings in a particular text.(Supports SLOs ThM 3; PhD 2c; 2d; 3b).
  4. To develop skills in typological interpretation that will support further analysis and writing in historical theology, systematic theology, biblical interpretation, and communication in multiple settings.(Supports SLOs ThM 4; PhD 1; 2a; 3a).

Course Assignments

  1. Readings (@650pp). See below. Clowney and Vos should be read early. Then read Poythress. Fairbairn should be read as time allows. It is desirable to finish the readings by June 10, 2010. Students may continue to read after June 10.
  2. Each student is to write a biblical-theological paper on a text to be chosen by the student, 4-10 verses long, with typological dimensions in meaning. The paper should consider any grammatical and lexical difficulties, but should concentrate on typological and analogical dimensions of meaning. The paper should be 5-10 pages for Th.M. students, 10-20 pages for Ph.D. students.This assignment is due on Aug. 15, 2020, and must be uploaded to the correct spot in Populi.
  3. The student will give a report, 3-5 minutes, during class on June 9, concerning his chosen text and his view of its typological dimensions.This assignment is due on June 9, 2020.
  4. Written examination, 1/2 hour, to be taken on the last day of class (June 10, 2020).
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