2020 PRTSiA Faculty 師資介紹
March 3, 2020 2020-03-03 14:462020 PRTSiA Faculty 師資介紹
2020 PRTSiA Faculty 師資介紹
Biblical Studies:
- Dr. Michael Barrett (OT- Exodus, Minor Prophets, Aramaic, Septuagint)
- Dr. Daniel Timmer (OT/NT, Wisdom Lit., Psalms, Prophets)
- Dr. Vern Poythress
- Dr. Guy Waters
Historical Theology:
- Dr. Adriaan Neele (Dutch Nadere Reformatie, Reformed Orthodoxy, History of Reformed Exegesis, History of Reformed Homiletics, Jonathan Edwards [wide variety of topics / issues])
- Dr. Stephen Myers (Reformed Covenant Theology 16th-18th cent., Reformed Orthodoxy and [one of the Reformed loci, such as Theology Proper, Christology etc.)
- Dr. Greg Salazar (English Reformation, and English Puritanism, Practical Puritanism)
- Dr. Jonathon Beeke (Francis Turretin, Two-Kingdom Theology in the 16th and 17th century)
- Dr. David Whitla (Reformation and Post-Reformation theology, Scottish post-Reformation theology, English Puritanism)
For more info, please see:
We are constantly working to bring on board gifted, dedicated teachers from Reformed institutions in North America. Stay tuned for course offering updates.
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