美國清教徒改革宗神學院(PRTS)台北改革宗神學院(CRTS)合作,從2020年一月起在台北開始神碩課程。此計劃在台北用模組/密集課程方式提供神碩課程:課程師資是PRTS 的博士班教授,課程學分是PRTS 神碩學分。本課程將接受美國神學教育協會(Association of Theological Schools, ATS)認證,其神碩學位將由PRTS 頒發。成績優秀的學生可直接申請進入 PRTS 博士班。
我們希望這是叫所有關心亞洲神學教育的人非常興奮的消息。這表示,亞洲學生不再須要去美國就可領受最頂尖的改革宗神學教育。這也是清教徒改革宗神學院的宣教策略:與其差派宣教士來亞洲,還不如投資培養亞洲本土的神學師資。此課程內容與 PRTS同步,學生申請標準就是PRTS 神碩的申請標準(https://prts.edu/curriculum/master-of-theology/)。
若您在意亞洲神學教育,也關心正統改革宗神學在亞洲生根發展,我們請您為這課程順利展開禱告。PRTS 第一年,我們還有許多細節須要處理,許多難關須要克服。我們需要聖徒們的禱告!
  • Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary (PRTS), in cooperation with China Reformed Theological Seminary (CRTS), is offering its Th.M. program in Taipei.
  • PRTS in Asia faculty will include the entire PRTS Ph.D. faculty── Dr. Adriaan Neele (Director), Dr. Greg Salazar, Dr. Daniel Timmer, and Dr. William VanDoodewaard ── as well as professors from CRTS and from other Reformed seminaries in the US such as WTS and RTS.
  • PRTS in Asia is designed to train future Reformed-minded teachers in Asia, for both churches and seminaries. Its modular-course format is designed to accommodate those already working in the ministry. Taking three courses a year, student can complete the PRTS in Asia Th.M. degree in three years.
  • PRTS in Asia will offer two Th.M. concentrations: Biblical Studies (BS), and Reformation and Post-Reformation Theology (RPRT). The first course will be “Isaiah”, taught by Dr. Timmer in  January 2020.
  • PRTS in Asia admission requirements, courses, and graduation requirements are the same as the PRTS Th.M. program in the US.
  • PRTS in Asia will be taught in English. A TOEFL score of 85 is required. We will offer an intensive TOEFL course for those who need it, as well as help in correcting the grammar of papers.
  • PRTS in Asia is an ATS (Association of Theological Schools)-accredited  Th.M. program.
  • A limited number of students will be accepted. (For requirements, please see https://prts.edu/curriculum/master-of-theology)
Please contact our Th.M. admissions coordinator, andy.mc@crtslive.net for more information. 
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