CH/ST820-27: Reformed Epistemology from Calvin to Plantinga
July 31, 2024 2024-08-01 15:11CH/ST820-27: Reformed Epistemology from Calvin to Plantinga

CH/ST820-27: Reformed Epistemology from Calvin to Plantinga
【Course Description 課程介紹】
In the early part of Book one of the Institutes, Calvin gives his view on how Christians know that there is one true God and that the Bible is God’s word. Concerning the existence of one true God, his answer includes:
1. An innate knowledge of God.
2. A universal sense of Divinity
3. Clear indicia (marks and signs) of divinity in creation and providence.
Concerning the Bible, his answer includes
4. The Bible is self-authenticating
5. Clear indicia (marks and signs) of divinity in the Bible.
6. The internal testimony of the Holy Spirit.
7. Arguments that the Bible is the Word of God. These are secondary but helpful.
After Calvin, these seven ideas became the center of Reformed Epistemology for the Reformed Church and in fact for most branches of Protestantism. They are also central ideas in Alvin Plantinga’s “Reformed Epistemology” (as he originally called it). In this course, we will discuss the views of Calvin himself, the Westminster Confession, Dutch Reformed Orthodoxy, B.B. Warfield, and finally Alvin Plantinga.
▶️ 日期:September 2-6, 2024
▶️ 時間:8:30AM-12:30PM (PRTS in Asia reserves the right to modify)
▶️ 地點:No.30, Lane 75, Nanjing E. Rd, Sec. 4, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. ( ZOOM online learning available)
▶️ 相關問題及申請ThM請聯繫:
PRTS in Asia 主任 Andrew McCafferty
PRTS in Asia 助理 Irene Lin