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CH/ST810-12 Historical Figures and Thought: The Life and Thought of Petrus van Mastricht

Historical Figures and Thought The Life and Thought of Petrus van Mastricht-2
PRTSiA Course Introductions 課程簡介

CH/ST810-12 Historical Figures and Thought: The Life and Thought of Petrus van Mastricht

CH/ST810-12 Historical Figures and Thought: The Life and Thought of Petrus van Mastricht
歷史人物與思想:Petrus van Mastrict 生平與思想

【課程介紹】This course is an introduction to the period of the church of ca. 1625-1700 and explores the relationship between Post-Reformation Reformed theology and Medieval, Reformation, and the early modern era, development, and codification of Christian doctrine in the Protestant tradition. Attention will be given to primary sources, including, but not limited to, Mastricht, Theoretical-practical theology, vol. I, Prolegomena (RHB, 2018); Ibid., vol. II, Faith in the Triune God (RHB, 2019); Ibid., vol. III The Works of God and the Fall of Man (RHB, 2021); Ibid., Treatise on Regeneration (Green, ca. 1770); Ibid., The Best Method of Preaching (RHB, 2013), and the transitional moments of continuity and discontinuity of intellectual thought of sixteenth- and seventeenth-century continental Europe, and considers the implications of biblical exegesis, doctrinal formulation, and praxis of the early modern era of Reformed theology in particular.

▶️ 日期:Feb 6-10 2023

▶️ 時間:4:00-7:00PM

▶️ 地點:ZOOM線上上課


▶️ 相關問題及申請ThM請聯繫:

PRTS in Asia 主任 Andrew McCafferty
PRTS in Asia 助理 Easter Wu

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