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PRTS in Asia?為什麼?一些財務考量 Why PRTS in Asia? Some financial considerations

About PRTS in Asia 關於 PRTSiA

PRTS in Asia?為什麼?一些財務考量 Why PRTS in Asia? Some financial considerations

我們明白對在服事中的牧者來說,讀神碩不是一件小事。在美國,許多神學院以密集課程(modular courses)的方式提供在職牧者進修的機會。但是對亞洲地區的學生來說,每年去美國三次上密集課程幾乎是不可能也不合乎成本的。PRTS in Asia將美國清教徒改革宗神學院(PRTS)的神碩密集課程帶來亞洲,讓這裡的牧者有機會接受頂尖的改革宗神學教育。除了將距離拉近,PRTS in Asia的學費也更親近亞洲民風。我們估計讀PRTS in Asia 的花費約為在美國讀同等學位的一半至三分之一。PRTS與合作夥伴CRTS(台北改革宗神學院)的目標是以最合理的花費提供最好的神學教育,以培養亞洲下一代的改革宗牧者和教師。

A commitment to get a Th.M. is not a light affair, especially for someone who wishes to remain active in ministry. We understand that there are many factors affecting your decision as to where to get the degree — the location, the quality of the instruction, the doctrinal commitment of the institution, the support level from your church, your family circumstances…AND money. You are looking hard at PRTS in Asia, thinking this sounds like a great opportunity. You have studied up on the PRTS faculty. You have become familiar with the confessionally Reformed commitment of PRTS. You have talked to your church and your family. Now we wish to help you further by giving you an idea of how much it would cost to attend the program in Taipei:

Application Fee: US50.

Tuition: NT6,000 per credit x 30 credits to complete the Th.M. degree = NT180,000 (@US5,800)

Residency Cost: NT6,000/month for shared 2-person room x 9 months total = NT54,000 (@US1,800)

Food and Incidentals: At NT500 per day x 28 days x 9 = NT126,000 (@US4,000). A decent meal in Taipei costs between NT100 and NT150 (one could go cheaper still!). Taipei’s public transportation — including the vaunted MRT subway and a world-class public bike-sharing program — makes it cheap and easy to get around town. (Not that you will have much time to get around!)

****Estimated Total for the 3-Year Program (excluding travel costs to Taipei, textbooks, and other expenses): NT360,000 (@US11,500)****

While we realize this is no small sum, it also represents significant savings compared to similar programs in the US, at about half to one-third the cost. For the kind of education you will be getting (the professors literally coming to your doorstep), dare we call it a bargain! For you who desire to be better equipped to serve Christ’s church in the region, we believe PRTS in Asia is an investment worth making.

PRTS and CRTS are committed to make this program accessible to those who are called. We believe money should be the last thing preventing someone from attending. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions regarding program cost.

To apply:…/MI…/190902PRTSApplication04afinal.pdf

高阿丹Timothy Kao,
PRTS in Asia Th.M. admission coordinator

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