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PRTS in Asia 2022 夏季課程

PRTSiA Course Introductions 課程簡介

PRTS in Asia 2022 夏季課程

PRTS in Asia 2022 夏季課程

【聖道論】Doctrine of Scripture, ThM in ST
改革宗神學院與PRTS in Asia的共同課程



▶️  日期:May23 ─ 27, 2022

▶️  時間:8:00AM ─ 12:00PM

Dr.Luke Lu 呂沛淵博士(中文授課)

▶️. 指定閱讀:P. Lillback and R. Gaffin, Thy Word Is Still Truth, P&R, 2013(Part 1-2, 4-5, 7-11, 約1160頁)

【蘇格蘭改教與後改教時期教牧神學與靈命】Scottish Reformation and Post-Reformation Pastoral Theology and Spirituality, ThM in ST/CH

【課程介紹】The practice of pastoral theology in the Presbyterian tradition has its roots in Reformation and post-Reformation Scotland, as the shepherds of Christ’s flock endeavored to return to a biblically faithful administration of the Word, sacraments and discipline. This course invites students to an encounter with these pioneers of the Scottish Presbyterian tradition, examining the practice and reception of pastoral ministry from the past in order to draw practical lessons for contemporary ministry contexts.

▶️. 日期:Aug 8-12, 2022 (時間暫定)

▶️. 時間:9:00 AM-12:30 PM

Dr. David G. Whitla 授課

David Whitla 為RPTS (Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary) 教會歷史教授,本課程機會難得,歡迎參考!

▶️. 資訊請參考:


▶️. 相關問題及申請ThM請聯繫:

PRTS in Asia 主任 Andrew McCafferty

PRTS in Asia 助理 Easter Wu

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