PRTS in Asia Courses for 2020 年度課程 (Bookmark this!)
January 9, 2020 2020-01-09 10:38PRTS in Asia Courses for 2020 年度課程 (Bookmark this!)
PRTS in Asia Courses for 2020 年度課程 (Bookmark this!)
PRTS in Asia 目前確定 2020 在台北提供以下課程 The following PRTS in Asia courses are confirmed for 2020:
1) Isaiah, Jan. 6-10。 由 Dr. Daniel Timmer 上《以賽亞書》。本課程分成兩部分:第一部分討論近代對先知書的詮釋研究,對比批判學進路與改革宗福音派之不同前設所引出的不同詮釋;第二主要部分則聚焦於以賽亞書的詮釋與解經。
Dr. Daniel Timmer will be teaching Isaiah during the week of Jan. 6-10. (Biblical Studies, 3 credits)
From Dr. Timmer:
“This course on Isaiah includes two parts. It first explores recent study of the major prophets in order to help students understand the issues that typically arise in interpretation. Special attention is given to critical approaches, which start with different convictions and produce different conclusions compared to evangelical and Reformed interpretation. Second, the majority of the course focuses on the book of Isaiah through a mix of exegesis and interpretation that follows the theme of the “nations” (and related themes) across the book. Lectures, reading and critical evaluation of secondary literature, and writing assignments emphasize the integration of theological, methodological, and practical components, and so promote the student’s competence in theological reflection, research, and writing as well as his or her spiritual transformation in relationship with the Triune God.”
2)Edwards, Feb. 17-21。由 Dr. Adriaan Neele 上《愛德華茲:原本,處境,詮釋》,本課將特別聚焦透過愛德華茲的《屬靈情感》來探討這位美國史上最偉大神學家的思想。
Dr. Adriaan Neele will be offering a course on the theology of Jonathan Edwards: Jonathan Edwards: Text, Context and Interpretation, with a specific focus on A Treatise Concerning Religious Affections. This class will be held during the week of Feb. 17-21. (Reformation & Post-Reformation Theology, 3 credits)
From PRTS Catalogue:
CH863 The Theology of Jonathan Edwards: An examination of the doctrinal, experiential, ethical, and philosophical thought of America’s greatest theologian, with an emphasis on Edwards’s formative role in shaping subse- quent American theology and spirituality through his most important treatises and sermons.
3) Justification, May 25-29。由 Dr. Guy Waters 上《稱義》。More details to come. (Biblical Studies, 3 credits)
4) Biblical Typology, June 1-5, 8-10。 由 Dr. Vern Poythress 教《聖經預表》。More details to come. (Biblical Studies, 3 credits) 這堂課每天上午上課4小時,共8個上課天。由 Dr. Diane Poythress 教的《神學英文 Theological English》課程將於此課程日期下午進行。
Please bookmark this page and we will keep you updated on upcoming courses — we understand that students will have to plan to be in Taipei a week before and after the course dates to fulfill the PRTS in Asia residency requirement.
We hope to announce other 2020 courses soon. Exciting things in Reformed theological education are happening in Taipei. Please keep PRTS in Asia in your prayers.