2020/01/6-10 Dr. Daniel Timmer’s “Isaiah”《以賽亞》課程簡介 Course Description
December 31, 2019 2020-01-01 3:182020/01/6-10 Dr. Daniel Timmer’s “Isaiah”《以賽亞》課程簡介 Course Description
2020/01/6-10 Dr. Daniel Timmer’s “Isaiah”《以賽亞》課程簡介 Course Description
2020/01/6-10 Dr. Daniel Timmer’s “Isaiah”《以賽亞》課程簡介 Course description (excerpted from course syllabus) and tentative schedule for PRTS in Asia 2020 January “Isaiah” course:
This course explores recent study of the major prophets, with a focus on Isaiah, in light of recent research and within the framework of the biblical canon. Topics covered include the relevance of prophetic phenomena and literature elsewhere in the ancient Near East, the interrelation of various themes, and their contribution to biblical theology. Exegesis of primary sources and significant reading and critical evaluation of secondary literature, coupled with an emphasis on the integration of theological, methodological, and practical components promotes the student’s advanced competence in theological reflection, research, and writing as well as his or her spiritual transformation in relationship with the Triune God.
Required Readings (~ 1050 pp.)
Reading Samples:
Textbooks (550 pp.)
- Firth, D. G., and H. G. M. Williamson (eds.). Interpreting Isaiah: Issues and Approaches. Downers Grove: IVP Academic, 2009. 287 pp.
- Kratz, Reinhard. The Prophets of Israel. Winona Lake: Eisenbrauns, 2015.
- Nissinen, M. (ed.). Prophets and Prophecy in the Ancient Near East. With contributions by C. L. Seow and R. K. Ritner. WAW 12. Atlanta: SBL, 2003.
Course Schedule (subject to minor modifications):
20/01/06: Introduction to recent research on the Major Prophets, introduction to Isaiah and themes
20/01/07: Studies in Isaiah (1): Isa 2:1-5; 5:26-30; 10:5-34; Responses to Kratz and Sommer/Sweeney due.
20/01/08: Studies in Isaiah (2): ch. 11; 13:1-14:2; ch. 19
20/01/09: Studies in Isaiah (3): chs. 24-27; 42:1-9; 49:1-6
20/01/10: Studies in Isaiah (4): ch. 53; 56:1-8; 66:18-24