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CH801: Introduction to Reformation and Post-Reformation Studies

PRTSiA Course Introductions 課程簡介

CH801: Introduction to Reformation and Post-Reformation Studies

CH801: Introduction to Reformation and Post-Reformation Studies

【Course Description 課程介紹】

This course offers an introduction to the Reformation and Reformed orthodox periods of the Protestant church (ca.1500– ca.1750). The course explores the relationship of Medieval, Reformation, and post-Reformation church history, including issues such as problems associated with periodization, methodological considerations, medieval influences on the Reformation and post-Reformation periods, and the development and codification of Christian doctrine in the Protestant tradition. This course is not intended to be a survey course as this is already assumed; as such, more attention will be given to select primary sources and figures from the periods in question with the intent of reading and situating these texts and figures within their historical context. Finally, matters and issues of continuity and discontinuity pertaining to the intellectual thought of sixteenth- and seventeenth-century continental Europe will be considered, with special focus on implications for polemics, doctrinal formulation, biblical exegesis, and praxis of the Protestant church.

▶️ 日期:May 20-24, 2024

▶️ 時間:8:30AM-12:30PM (PRTS in Asia reserves the right to modify)

▶️ 地點:No.30, Lane 75, Nanjing E. Rd, Sec. 4, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. ( ZOOM online learning available)


▶️ 相關問題及申請ThM請聯繫:

PRTS in Asia 主任 Andrew McCafferty
PRTS in Asia 助理 Irene Lin

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